Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Portfolio Showcase
Today was a somewhat stressful day. Not only did I have my exit interview at 10 am this morning, but it was with none other than the physical education chair and former President of NASPE, Dr. Lynn Couturier. I prepared myself for the interview by going over every possible question that could be asked in my head. As it got closer and closer to the interview, I felt as if everything that I has prepared for was going to just draw a blank in my head. However, as I sat down at the table with Dr. Couturier and my peers and was asked my first question, it turned out I was better at this than I thought I was. I was thankful for my professor, Stephen Yang, for informing me about Paul Zientarski and his learning readiness system because that is exactly what I talked about when asked how I would convince Administrators that Physical Education is important in a school's district's curriculum. Dr. Couturier was impressed with my answer and overall my interview in general. At the conclusion of our interview I was even more elated that my online portfolio was nominated for the Portfolio showcase. Here is the link to my online portfolio: matassape.weebly.com.
Thursday, April 19, 2012
In a very significant settlement that occurred recently, New
York State Union of Teachers and state leaders have agreed to a new statewide
teacher evaluation system that limits the weight of students’ standardized test
scores. It is designed to help teachers improve and also reinforce collective
bargaining to shape evaluations based on local needs. They are hoping that this
system acts as a national model.
The Governor of New York, Andrew Cuomo has called it a “historic
agreement.” 60 % of the new
evaluation will be based on the teacher’s performance, which is majorly based
on classroom observations both announced and unannounced. Other tools to evaluate could be
student portfolios or student and parent feedback surveys. The remaining 40% is based on student
achievement. Only half of that will be based on state tests, while the
remaining half will be based on student’s assessments selected from a list five
options selected through collective bargaining. Teachers can either be rated ineffective, developing
effective, or highly effective. A teacher who receives ineffective must receive
support and training to improve.
More than one ineffective rating can lead to dismissal of that teacher. The governor has linked the Annual
Professional Performance Rating to any increase in school funding for the
2012-2013 school year. For districts to be eligible, they must have an approved
APPR by January 17, 2013.
Cover of Murderball |
Upon seeing the film
Murderball in adapted physical
education class today, I was enlightened of the everyday lives of paraplegics. The
documentary clears up the common misconception that quadriplegics don’t
have use of their arms by showing these athletes ramming themselves into one
another in pursuit of victory on the court. This film has changed my attitude toward not only disability
in sport, but disability in general. What makes Murderball so effective is that it debunks just about every clichéd
stereotype about the handicapped. These are predominantly young men in there
20s and 30s, but other than paralysis they're just like every body else. They
are pranksters that laugh and drink at poker night, and jut regular guys,
trying to hit on girls at the bar. They can give hope to other disabled people
by showing them that there is always something to live for. Murderball is not really a sports film,
but rather a film that uses sport as a way to see into the lives of the
athletes portrayed in the documentary. All of the people in Murderball
are imperfect, which makes them all the more relatable. They are a bunch of
men, with the same flaws that the rest of humanity has to deal with. While
rugby is heavily focused on in the film, more importantly it is about people
overcoming great odds to embrace life. This movie has changed the way I look at people in
chairs because it breaks down the
misconceptions. The movie shows that quads can be fiercely competitive and completely
like everyone else, except for the way they mobilize.
Thursday, April 12, 2012
iPad's in Phys. Edu. Class
Image via CrunchBase |
The latest advances in technology are inevitably making
their way into schools and gymnasiums across the country. A number of nation
and international organizations, such as the U.S. Department of Education and
NCATE, have developed standards that promote the use of technology in
educational settings to improve student learning and teacher efficiency. One of
the latest high profile additions to the technological world is the iPad. The
iPad can be used in the physical education setting in a number of ways. An
example could be when teaching a sports unit that requires team and duty roles.
If you would like to use the iPad in your physical education setting it is
important to make sure the school has wi-fi in order to reap all the device. A
heavy –duty case would also be a good idea since many students would be
handling it. A warm-up leader can use the Youtube app to locate warm-up videos.
The coach can assist teammates with skills and tactics by showing videos for
techniques and tactics. The student responsible for keeping individual and team
records can input and edit data on the iPad and even create simple graphs
outlying performance. There is an app available on the iPad called IReferee,
which can be used by a team’s manager to leatn the different rules of the games
and the officiating hand signals that go with them. They can then peer-teach their team on these different
signals. The use of an iPad should not be the focus point of instruction, but
rather to aid in learning. The use of an iPad can increase student’s enjoyment
and affective domain, while also creating a sense of professionalism and
importance in students.
Education Under Fire
denied higher education from universities and the government, the Baha’I
established their own higher education institute. This institute is called the Baha’I Institute for Higher
Education (BIHE) and it is for the Baha’I to attend and gain a higher
education. The Iranian government however
has tried to demolish and shut down this institute, but the Baha’I however continue
to progress the institute and improve its qualities. Cruel executions happen to the Baha’I because of their
religion. They are denied many
basic human rights that everyone should be entitled to. They are not allowed to drink out of
the same water fountains as Muslims at school and if a Muslim tries to drink
out of the Baha’I drinking fountain they are yelled at because Muslims and
Baha’I aren’t supposed to interact.
At a very young age the Baha’I are discriminated against and treated
unfairly. Many are sent to prison
because of their beliefs. The woman who spoke from Iran told a story of how she
hadn’t seen her family for sixteen years because of being detained because of
their Baha’I religion. She said that they could easily solve their tribulations
by simply saying that they were Muslim, but they would never turn their back on
their religion and what they believe in. Being denied higher education as well
as many other things, the Baha’Is human rights are clearly being violated. They are deprived of higher education because
of their beliefs and this is a shame.
Action needs to be taken on the Baha’is behalf to change this
discrimination and cruelty they face every day. The government needs to stop discriminating against these
people and treat them with respect and allow everyone to practice their beliefs
freely. There is hope for these
people with the increasing awareness of what is going on in Iran being spread
across the world. With this
awareness will come a solution and the Baha’I people will finally be able to
practice their beliefs without being denied human rights. To take action against the education under fire in Iran visit the website http://action.educationunderfire.com/p/dia/action3/common/public/?action_KEY=6910
Related articles
- What Is the Baha'i Faith? (pukirahe.wordpress.com)
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Fagbug comes to SUNY Cortland
Fagbug is
the documentary film Erin made about her cross-country trip driving the car to
different communities, creating discussion about hate crimes and
homophobia. Erin talked to all kinds of people along the way, encountering
people who may be anti-gay, and finding all kinds of people who would like to
help her. Eventually, the Volkswagen company sponsored the car, and the
graffiti was replaced with a rainbow paint-job that can now be easily
distinguishable as the ‘fagbug’. After a year of driving around with barely
enough money to make it to the next town down the road, She found out HD Radio
was going to pay for the completion of her documentary. HD Radio also helped
her send the documentary to film festivals, she said. Her documentary is now
available on DVD and shea has continued touring in the Fagbug. She speaks to
students and others about her experience in the hopes that she can teach
audiences a different way to deal with life’s bullies.
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
My Week in the City
a fun, tiresome week in New York City at the National Model United Nations
Conference, I am getting back into the swing of things at Cortland. My fellow
delegates and I had the pleasure of staying at the Marriot Marquis smack in the
middle of Times Square. My room was on the 37th floor and with very
little and at times no wi-fi. This definitely hindered my blogger flow, but
luckily, in accordance to the club, I had to keep a journal the entire week
outlining my days. This experience definitely added to my repertoire of working
with and even at times teaching diverse populations.
a typical Model UN each school represents a different country. This year SUNY
Cortland represented Nepal. Schools form all over the world were lucky enough
to participate in this event, including school from Germany, Italy, and even
Australia. The groups are broken
into different committees, each with separate issues that they must help solve
by coming together with all the different delegations. The goal of the
convention is, along with the different countries or delegations, create a
working paper with resolutions solving the main topic. Normally, there are
three topics for each committee, but in four days there is only time to cover
just one, which shows how in depth, creative, and organized each paper must be.
The last day is devoted to voting on the several papers that have been conjured
up throughout the week. My particular committee was the General Assembly first
committee and the topic we were focusing on was the Small Arms and Light
Weapons Trade in Africa. Prior to the actual convention I had been working all
semester researching Nepal’s stance on the situation and coming up with my own
position paper. At the actual conference I had the opportunity to find Nepal’s allies
and countries that had similar views. During the week, I worked closely with
Lichtenstein, who came from the Universiy of Tennessee, and Ireland, who came
from the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan,
Italy. Our working paper focused
on creating a system, which would track the weapons and institute a trade
system where countries could trade their weapons for necessities, such as food
and water. Not only did we create a working paper to be voted on, but I got to
know these delegates very well. It was convenient that we all stayed in the
same hotel, where we got to engage and hang out outside of committee. One of
the girls from Italy, Guilia, was shocked how many days a week the average
American goes and drinks. I learned quite a few curse words in Italy and we
exchanged our tastes in music. Thanks to facebook, I will be able to keep the relationships
that I started and always keep in touch. Here is the crazy view from our hotel.
The purpose of this study was to determine if a
relationship exists between
physical fitness and academic achievement. The physical fitness levels were
by using the President’s Challenge Physical Fitness
Test and academic achievement was
measured by STAR Reading percentile scores and
Grade Point Averages (GPA). This
study was based on the belief that physical fitness
levels influence an individual’s cognitive functioning and the ability to achieve
academically. This study is
because more
research was deemed necessary in order to better understand the relationship between the two variables. There
were 90 participants in this study.
These subjects were in grades 4 or 5. 51% of the
participants were male, and 49% were female. Results from the study indicated
that 4% of the males had an average physical fitness level above the 85th
percentile based on all five physical fitness tests. 2% of the females had an average
physical fitness level above the 85th
percentile based on the five physical fitness tests used in the study. The researcher used
multiple regressions to see if a relationship existed between physical fitness
and academic achievement. This correlation procedure enables researchers to
find the best possible weighting
of two or more independent variables to yield a maximum correlation with a single dependent variable.
The value of p was calculated to be < 0.0001 (< 0.05), which
indicates a significant correlation between physical fitness levels, based on the
President’s Challenge Physical Fitness Test, and STAR Reading percentile scores and Grade
Point Averages.
Exploring Student Perceptions to Explain the Relationship Between Physical Activity and Academic Achievement in Adolescents: A Mixed Methods Study
The purpose of this study was
to explain the relationship between physical activity and academic achievement
by exploring adolescent’s perceptions on physical activity and academics. This
study concerns the relationship between physical activity and academic
achievement. The main significance of this study is the connection of student’s perceptions to
the relationship between physical activity and academic achievement in
adolescents. It is believed no studies have used student perceptions to explore
this relationship before. Understanding student’s perceptions on the role physical activity has
on academic achievement can provide insight into developing programs to
increase physical activity among adolescents. The questions raised in the study
were broken into qualitative and quantitative questions. In the first quantitative phase
of the study, adolescent’s physical activity levels and GPAs were reported,
descriptive statistics were analyzed, and correlations were performed. The
first research question was to determine if there was a statistically
significant relationship between physical activity and academic achievement.
Based on the correlation scatter plot performed in the first question,
participants were selected and grouped into four extreme cases. For the second
quantitative question experiments were conducted to determine if differences
existed between high/low physical activity and high/low academic achievement
for each of the Likert scale items on factors that influence physical activity participation,
such as enjoyment and motivation. According
to the qualitative responses out of the four extreme groups, 56.9 %
of participants believe there is a positive relationship, 7.2 % believe it is
negative, 24.8 % believe no relationship exists, and 11.2 % are unsure if there
is a relationship.
Monday, April 2, 2012
Effects of Physical Education on Academic Achievement in Children
This article is about a study
at Michigan State University in order to show the positive relationship between
academic achievement and physical activity. It advocates the necessity of physical education in schools
by claiming numerous studies have shown the positive relationship, while little
studies have shown the inverse relationship of physical education and academic
performance. The study included
214 sixth-grade students from a single public school in western Michigan. Students were
placed into two groups. One group was enrolled in physical education during the
first semester and the other group was enrolled in physical education the second semester. All classes met every day of
the week for 55min. Once consent forms were obtained, the
students were assessed three times throughout the school year, at the
beginning, middle, and end. Academic achievement was based on individual grades for each student
in the core classes and a
standardized test score.
The results showed that no significant differences were found in
academic achievement and Terra Nova scores
as a function of activity level during either semester. However, students who
performed vigorous physical activity at a level that met or exceeded the Healthy People 2010 guidelines achieved higher
academics cores compared with the other students in both semesters. Using SOFIT, it was determined that an average of 19 minutes of the55
minute class was spent in moderate
to vigorous activity. This low level of activity could not provide sufficient stimulation to influence academic achievement. The study cite a study
done in Quebec at Trois Rivers that indicates that students who received an hour of physical education in addition
to the standard physical education class showed better academic performance compared with control subjects
who only had the standard physical class.
Sunday, April 1, 2012
With today’s technology bullying has become easier then
ever; the children and youth of this generation do not even need to have
personal confrontation. Cyber bullying can be defined as any communication
posted or sent by a minor online, by instant messenger, e-mail, website, diary
site, online profile, interactive game, handheld device, cell phone or other
interactive device that is intended to frighten, embarrass, harass or otherwise
target another minor. Tulsa Public schools has established an online tool that
assesses the occurrence of cyber bullying in its school, in hopes of reducing
it in the future. In January 2012 the district launched the Threat Assessment,
Incident Management and Prevention Services or TIPS, which allows for the
anonymous reporting of weapons possession, drug/alcohol use, harassment or
intimidation, school vandalism, physical assault, threats of violence, suicide
risk, abuse or neglect and other incidents. The school has designated teams at each
school and the district office to be automatically notified of certain types of
reports. The system allows team members to create a record of recommendations
and actions taken, keeping track of which members view and add to the record
and notifying members of new information. Staff can set automatic reminders
that notify them if it's time to check in with a student who has been recently
victimized or other items earmarked for follow-up.
Related articles
- How To Stop Cyber Bullying (mademan.com)
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